Oculocardiac Reflex And It’s Relation With The Extraocular Muscles During Strabismus Surgery- A Prospective Study.
Manjula V Ramsali, Koshy G Puduchira, Dilip Kumar Kulkarni, V Sarada Devi, P Surender
Comparative Evaluation of two different doses of Intranasal Dexmedetomidine in elderly hypertensive patients undergoing cataract surgery under peribulbar block: A prospective double blind randomised controlled study
Vineetha SK, Suman Shree Ramaswamy
Endotracheal Intubation versus Supragloic Airway Device for Eye Surgery in Children
Gita Nath
A Mannequin Based Training System for Practicing Sub-Tenon’s block
Jaichandran V V, Nimal J. Kumar, Boby George, Mohanasankar Sivaprakasam
Persistent Cough in an Infant “Anticipate the Unanticipated”
Omprakash TM, Subhadra Jalali, Payal Pyati, Raja Narsing Rao
3rd National Annual Conference of Association of Indian Ophthalmic Anaesthesiologists (AIOA)
7th & 8th October, 2023